AWS lab by Gauranga Gautam
Task 1: Explore Users and Groups
- Users:
user-1, user-2, user-3 created.
No permissions assigned.
- EC2-Admin, EC2-Support, S3-Support created.
Group Permissions:
EC2-Support: AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess policy.
S3-Support: AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess policy.
EC2-Admin: Inline policy for EC2 Describe, Start, Stop.
Task 2: Add Users to Groups
Add user-1 to S3-Support:
- Users > S3-Support > Users tab > Add user-1.
Add user-2 to EC2-Support:
- Users > EC2-Support > Users tab > Add user-2.
Add user-3 to EC2-Admin:
- Users > EC2-Admin > Users tab > Add user-3.
Task 3: Sign-In and Test Users
Test user-1 (S3-Support):
Sign in with IAM user-1.
S3 access granted, EC2 access denied.
Test user-2 (EC2-Support):
Sign out user-1.
Sign in with IAM user-2.
EC2 read-only access, no S3 access.
Test user-3 (EC2-Admin):
Sign out user-2.
Sign in with IAM user-3.
EC2 start/stop permissions, no S3 access.
Lab 2
Task 1: Create Your VPC
Open VPC console.
Create VPC:
Name: lab
1 Availability Zone
1 public subnet (
1 private subnet (
NAT Gateway in 1 AZ.
No VPC endpoints.
Enable DNS hostnames and resolution.
Confirm settings in the Preview panel.
Create VPC.
Task 2: Create Additional Subnets
Open Subnets.
Create second public subnet:
Name: lab-subnet-public2
Availability Zone: us-east-1b
Create second private subnet:
Name: lab-subnet-private2
Availability Zone: us-east-1b
Associate route table with new private subnet.
Associate route table with new public subnet.
Task 3: Create a VPC Security Group
Open Security Groups.
Create security group:
Name: Web Security Group
Description: Enable HTTP access
VPC: lab-vpc
Add inbound rule: HTTP from Anywhere-IPv4.
Task 4: Launch a Web Server Instance
Open EC2 console.
Launch instance with:
Name: Web Server 1
Amazon Linux 2023 AMI
t2.micro instance type
Key pair: vockey
Network: lab-vpc, Subnet: lab-subnet-public2, Auto-assign public
IP enabled
Security group: Web Security Group
User data script for Apache and PHP installation.
Wait for the instance to pass status checks.
Copy Public IPv4 DNS.
Open browser, paste DNS, view AWS logo and metadata page.
Lab 3
Task 1: Launch Your Amazon EC2 Instance
Open EC2 console.
Launch instance:
Name: Web Server
Amazon Linux 2023 AMI
t2.micro instance type
Key pair: vockey
Network: Lab VPC, Subnet: default, Auto-assign public IP enabled
Security group: Create "Web Server security group"
User data script for Apache installation.
Termination protection enabled.
**Wait for instance to display "Running" with "2/2 checks
Task 2: Monitor Your Instance
Choose "Status checks" tab.
Check both System reachability and Instance reachability.
Choose "Monitoring" tab to view CloudWatch metrics.
View system log and instance screenshot for troubleshooting.
Task 3: Update Your Security Group and Access the Web Server
Copy Public IPv4 address.
Open Security Groups.
Edit "Web Server security group" inbound rules:
- Add rule: Type HTTP, Source Anywhere-IPv4.
- Refresh web browser, check if you can access the web server.
Task 4: Resize Your Instance: Instance Type and EBS Volume
Stop the instance.
Change instance type to t2.small.
Modify EBS volume size to 10 GiB.
Start the resized instance.
Task 5: Explore EC2 Limits
Search for "Service Quotas" in the AWS Management Console.
Choose "Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)" under AWS
Observe and explore the default limits for running instances.
Task 6: Test Termination Protection
Open EC2 console.
Choose Instances.
Select "Web Server" instance.
Attempt to terminate, observe termination protection message.
Disable termination protection in "Instance settings."
Terminate the instance.
Lab 4
Task 1: Create a New EBS Volume
Open EC2 console.
Navigate to Instances.
**Note the Availability Zone of the existing instance (e.g.,
Go to Volumes.
Create a new volume:
Volume Type: General Purpose SSD (gp2)
Size (GiB): 1
Availability Zone: Select the same as the instance
Add Tag: Key: Name, Value: My Volume
Create Volume
Task 2: Attach the Volume to an Instance
Select "My Volume."
In Actions, choose Attach volume.
Choose the Lab instance, Device: /dev/sdf.
Attach volume.
Task 3: Connect to Your Amazon EC2 Instance
macOS and Linux Users
Download labsuser.pem.
Open terminal, navigate to the directory.
cd ~/Documents
chmod 400 labsuser.pem
Copy the Public IPv4 address.
In terminal:
- ssh -i labsuser.pem ec2-user@<public-ip>
Task 4: Create and Configure Your File System
View available storage:
- df -h
Create ext3 file system:
- sudo mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdf
Create a directory for mounting:
- sudo mkdir /mnt/data-store
Mount the new volume:
- sudo mount /dev/sdf /mnt/data-store
Add to /etc/fstab:
- **echo "/dev/sdf /mnt/data-store ext3 defaults,noatime 1 2" |
sudo tee -a /etc/fstab**
- **echo "/dev/sdf /mnt/data-store ext3 defaults,noatime 1 2" |
View configuration file:
- cat /etc/fstab
View available storage again:
- df -h
Create a file and add text:
- sudo sh -c "echo some text has been written >
- sudo sh -c "echo some text has been written >
Verify the text has been written:
- cat /mnt/data-store/file.txt
Task 5: Create an Amazon EBS Snapshot
In EC2 console, choose Volumes, select "My Volume."
In Actions, choose Create snapshot.
Add tag: Key: Name, Value: My Snapshot.
Create snapshot.
Task 6: Restore the Amazon EBS Snapshot
- Create a Volume Using Your Snapshot
In EC2 console, select "My Snapshot."
In Actions, choose Create volume from snapshot.
For Availability Zone, select the same as before.
Add tag: Key: Name, Value: Restored Volume.
Create volume.
- Attach the Restored Volume to Your EC2 Instance
In Volumes, select "Restored Volume."
In Actions, choose Attach volume.
Choose the Lab instance, Device: /dev/sdg.
Attach volume.
Mount the Restored Volume
Create a directory for mounting:
- sudo mkdir /mnt/data-store2
Mount the restored volume:
- sudo mount /dev/sdg /mnt/data-store2
Verify the volume has the file:
- ls /mnt/data-store2/
Lab 5
Task 1: Create a Security Group for the RDS DB Instance
Go to the VPC service in the AWS Management Console.
In the left navigation pane, select "Security Groups."
Choose "Create security group" and configure:
Security group name: DB Security Group
Description: Permit access from Web Security Group
Add inbound rule:
Type: MySQL/Aurora (3306)
Source: Type "sg" and select Web Security Group.
Choose "Create security group."
Task 2: Create a DB Subnet Group
Go to the RDS service in the AWS Management Console.
In the left navigation pane, select "Subnet groups."
Choose "Create DB Subnet Group" and configure:
Name: DB-Subnet-Group
Description: DB Subnet Group
Add subnets for us-east-1a and us-east-1b with CIDR ranges and
Choose "Create."
Task 3: Create an Amazon RDS DB Instance
In the RDS service, choose "Databases."
Choose "Create database" and select MySQL under Engine Options.
Choose Dev/Test under Templates.
Choose Multi-AZ DB instance under Availability and durability.
Configure settings:
DB instance identifier: lab-db
Master username: main
Master password: lab-password
DB instance class: db.t3.micro
Allocated storage: 20
Security group: DB Security Group
Initial database name: lab
Uncheck backups, encryption, and enhanced monitoring.
Choose "Create database."
Wait for the database to be available, copy the Endpoint.
Task 4: Interact with Your Database
Obtain WebServer IP address from the Details dropdown.
**Open a new web browser tab, paste the WebServer IP address, and
press Enter.**
Navigate to the RDS link on the web application.
Configure the application:
Endpoint: Paste the Endpoint copied earlier
Database: lab
Username: main
Password: lab-password
Choose "Submit."
Lab 6
Task 1: Create an AMI for Auto Scaling
Go to EC2 in the AWS Management Console.
In the left navigation pane, select "Instances."
**Wait for Web Server 1 to show "2/2 checks passed" under Status
Select Web Server 1.
**In the "Actions" menu, choose "Image and templates" >
"Create image."**
Image name: WebServerAMI
Image description: Lab AMI for Web Server
Choose "Create image."
Task 2: Create a Load Balancer
Go to the AWS Management Console.
In the left navigation pane, select "Target Groups."
Choose "Create target group":
Target type: Instances
Target group name: LabGroup
Choose "Create target group."
Go to "Load Balancers" in the left navigation pane.
**Choose "Create load balancer" and select "Application Load
Load balancer name: LabELB
Subnets: Public Subnet 1, Public Subnet 2
Security groups: Web Security Group
Listener HTTP:80, Default action: forward to LabGroup
Choose "Create load balancer."
Task 3: Create a Launch Template and an Auto Scaling Group
Go to "Launch Templates" in the left navigation pane.
Choose "Create launch template":
Launch template name: LabConfig
Auto Scaling guidance: Provide guidance
AMI: Web Server AMI
Instance type: t2.micro
Key pair: vockey
Security groups: Web Security Group
Enable detailed CloudWatch monitoring
Choose "Create launch template."
In the success dialog, choose the LabConfig template.
From the "Actions" menu, choose "Create Auto Scaling group":
Auto Scaling group name: Lab Auto Scaling Group
Launch template: LabConfig
Subnets: Private Subnet 1, Private Subnet 2
Attach to an existing load balancer: LabGroup
Enable group metrics collection within CloudWatch
Desired capacity: 2, Minimum capacity: 2, Maximum capacity: 6
Scaling policy: Target tracking, Metric type: Average CPU
Utilization, Target value: 60
Tags: Key: Name, Value: Lab Instance
Choose "Create Auto Scaling group."
Task 4: Verify that Load Balancing is Working
Go to "Instances" in the left navigation pane.
Verify two new instances named Lab Instance.
Go to "Target Groups" and select LabGroup.
Choose the "Targets" tab and wait for both instances to become
Go to "Load Balancers," select LabELB, and copy the DNS name.
Open a new browser tab, paste the DNS name, and ensure the
application appears.
Task 5: Test Auto Scaling
Open CloudWatch from the AWS Management Console.
Choose "All alarms" in the left navigation pane.
Verify the two alarms created by Auto Scaling.
If alarms are not visible, go to EC2 > Auto Scaling Groups > Lab
Auto Scaling Group > Automatic Scaling > LabScalingPolicy > Actions > Edit, change Target Value to 50, and choose Update.
Choose the OK alarm (AlarmHigh) and wait for it to transition to OK.
Return to the web application and choose "Load Test" to generate
Return to CloudWatch and wait for AlarmHigh to change to In alarm.
Verify additional instances were launched in EC2 > Instances.
Task 6: Terminate Web Server 1
Select Web Server 1.
In the "Instance state" menu, choose "Instance State" >
"Terminate Instance."
Choose "Terminate."